...as well as article 4, which covers attempts to commit torture and any acts which constitute complicity or participation in torture.26 The obligations to prevent torture under article 2 and ill-treatment under article 16(1) ‘are indivisible, interdependent and interrelated’. The obligation to prevent ill-treatment in practice overlaps with the obligation to prevent torture. Article 16, identifying the means of prevention of ill-treatment, emphasises the adoption of the measures outlined in articles 10 to 13 on......person to be removed would enjoy additional protection, under other international instruments or national law, not to be deported to a State where they would face the risk of ill-treatment.65 Furthermore, under article 16, States still have a duty to prevent ill-treatment. Before making an assessment relating to the principle of non-refoulement, States should consider ‘whether the nature of the other forms of ill-treatment that a person facing deportation is at risk of experiencing could......able to deal with all complaints of torture and ill-treatment, including sexual violence,219 in an impartial manner, and that the mechanism’s investigators are independent from or not influenced by the suspected perpetrators;220 Ensure that investigations of allegations of torture and ill-treatment ‘committed by law enforcement, security, military and prison officials’ are not undertaken by the police or military, but by the complaints mechanism;221 Ensure that complainants of torture and ill-treatment are protected against reprisals and intimidation.222......torture or ill-treatment are immediately terminated from service; Ensure that all responsible officials are subject to criminal prosecution in addition to any disciplinary penalties; Provide the Committee with information on the penalties applied to all officials found to have committed torture or ill-treatment.228 CRSV in the armed forces. The Committee has expressed concern at acts amounting to torture or ill-treatment within the army, such as hazing,229 rape, and other forms of sexual violence.230 While noting the establishment of......rather than torture, a gender-sensitive lens favours treating ‘violations against women, girls, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons’ as torture, where they carry all elements of this crime, instead of reducing them to ill-treatment only.10 It is a violation of the CAT to prosecute conduct solely as ill-treatment when the elements of torture are also present.11 Cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment is not defined in the CAT, which only affirms that such treatment does not...